"When the government labels independent contractors, it puts us into a category called nonemployer firms. That means businesses with no employees."

Hmmm. I didn't know that. What part of the government does that? Regardless, it's well past the time when the opposite is known to be true. We and our self-employed colleagues hire about 20% of all hires in the US, as this 2015 report explains (https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2015/10/22/three-in-ten-u-s-jobs-are-held-by-the-self-employed-and-the-workers-they-hire/).

As for Kamala's contradictions, the same thing is happening here in California. The legislature just passed and sent to the governor for his signature the Freelance Worker Protection Act. Sounds good, it will help us collect tardy payments from creepy clients. But the bill is linked to AB5. Only independent contractors in certain occupations qualify for the help, and even then, most will have to pass as many as 3 AB5 tests before they can even apply for the help.

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As for the Freelance Worker Protection laws, they are a problem well beyond California, as I wrote here: https://www.freelancebusting.com/p/this-is-not-protection

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You can see "nonemployee" on the chart in this article. It's from the GAO: https://www.freelancebusting.com/p/whos-counting

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