Super article. Thanks.

One excuse used by nearly everyone who opposes us drives me crazy--that we have no protections from lousy clients, unlike employees who, they claim, have many. That's bull. We have contract, business and intellectual property law. Generally, complaints based on these laws work faster than employee law because they rely on the threat of lawsuits, whereas employee law relies on the threat of bureaucracies! In my experience, recalcitrant clients and their attorneys are generally eager to avoid being sued, whereas they're immune to bureaucrats' warnings.

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Thank you so much for your tireless efforts to keep us WILLING Independent Professionals out of the gaping maw of the government/union!

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“Many people who start working for Uber are prepared to run errands, but they’re not necessarily prepared to run their own business.”

Many people are also not prepared to manage their own personal finances—and many fail at that.

Despite their naïveté, there is not, however, a large-scale effort to strip people of their right to manage their personal affairs…at least not yet.

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Very, very true

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